Thursday, July 10, 2008


This blog was going to start with a clever beginning to talk about the fact that every person has some sort of anticipation. I can't wait for the day when....

I'll let you finish the sentence. When I thought of the topic for July my anticipation was to say things like I can't wait for the babies to start walking, eat solid foods and so many other hopes and wishes. Sadly, life isn't all giggles and smiles and bad things happen.
Children are so vitally important in times of sorrow. I can cry with my family and laugh with the babies all in the same breath. Michaela and Samantha have no ability to know what happens around them emotionally and they are totally dependent on us. So when they smile and laugh, (when we cry) it's hard not to change direction, laugh with them, and hold them tight.

While we don't live near our family and we don't always talk as often as we might like, but we do love each other. We love you, miss you, and wish we could be there with you.

With my family, I anticipate the next time we can be together for a hug, a drink, happy memories, and a time when the pain is less than prominent.

With the babies, I anticipate today and savor every moment.

DEVELOPMENTAL UPDATE - because life doesn't stop.

Michaela the little vaccuum cleaner has two teeth now, both were cut within a week of each other. On 7/12/08 she managed to climb to the top of 16 stairs all by herself (mom only 2 inches away the entire time, just in case). Michaela still has the army crawl but is versitile enough to use all fours. She can readily walk from here to there if the placement of her hand holds are close to one another.

Samantha is still gumming her food but eating more variety and better than I expected. My sister Dina was a climber when she was a baby so maybe that's where Samantha gets her climbing desire. Forget about walking, Samantha is in climbing mode. Why walk when you can gain inches of height and new visuals as you clutch onto things you probably shouldn't be on in the first place!

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