Monday, August 27, 2007

The Last Week of Pregnancy

Brian has recently gone through a nesting phase and just in time. Last week he was continuiously running around to make sure everything is perfect for the arrival of the girls.

Today we found out that the arrival is no longer a big ????. We will be induced on Saturday, September 1st. That takes us to almost 36 weeks and puts us into September. Now....unless these girls make an executive decision to abandon the plan the Dr. has laid out, we will be parents on Saturday. Brian and I are both really excited to see them and count their fingers and toes to make sure everything is really ok!

The babies are going to be pretty small and they will need to be in the NICU for a little while but we are hopeful their stay will be short. Based on the ultrasound from yesterday they may still be under 4lbs. The decision to induce was made because of their size and my blood pressure continuing to creep upward.

The two photos. The first is a photo from the ultrasound yesterday. It's a profile of each girl facing each other. The other photo which is probably a little easier to recognize is the last photo of my belly taken this past Sunday 8/26/07.

That's the update for now - the next update with be the baby arrival announcement. Stay tuned!!!

Friday, August 24, 2007

34 Weeks and 5 Days

This photo was taken in the hospital the day after we were admitted. We were admitted on 8/21/07 after a scheduled Dr. Visit. My blood pressure was running a little higher than normal and the babies are really trying to find a way out (unless you are or have ever been pregnant you don't want the details).

This photo is a belly measuring 43 weeks (we are measured as if we were having one). Let's just hope Mark my trainer can bring me back to normal after all this.

The staff believes that Brian and I will be parents within the next two weeks. That means the original plan of going full term (for twins) is not highly likely. We are still holding out for September Birthdays if at all possible.

As you can see we are not hooked up to any IV's. The babies heartbeats are monitored twice daily and I am self medicating with Terbutaline (helps to slow the contractions). We are due to have an ultrasound on Monday so we'll throw out another update then.

Monday, August 20, 2007

34 Weeks and Counting

Today marks 34 weeks of being pregnant. The original belly photo that was posted is now removed due to the humiliation I will suffer when I come to my senses. This photo is from 8/4/07 when I was playing around in the nursery. Who would have thought we could make it this far when we were first hospitalized at 27 weeks.

We are happy to make it this far, but we are really hoping for another couple weeks so the girls can come home with us rather than stay in the hospital.

To check out the latest nursery photos and a couple other albums go to

Friday, August 17, 2007

All About The Babies

This will be the site where you can get all updates to the family. Our new soon to be expected arrivals, photos and family happenings. Thank you for visiting.