Both girls have managed to roll from their tummy to their back, I think primarily out of frustration. They are growing and growing and gaining weight at a slow pace but nothing to be concerned about.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Rollin Rollin Rollin
Both girls have managed to roll from their tummy to their back, I think primarily out of frustration. They are growing and growing and gaining weight at a slow pace but nothing to be concerned about.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
A Busy November
Monday, October 22, 2007
No More Preemie Diapers
This month we are opening up and letting people cuddle and hold the girls. We are also out and about every week shopping or going to the Dr. or having lunch with friends. We've been doing so well that we allowed Brian to go to Taipei for 4 days. It was hard for him to be away but we sent pictures 20 times a day which helped (a little). The alone time with the girls was unforgettable but we were oh so happy for Brian's homecoming.
The biggest thing is that we introduced a pacifier. I hate pacifiers for a whole lot of ridiculous reasons but a wise women said it would be easier to ween them from a pacifier as opposed to their hands. After a lot of thought and consideration and a few rough days and nights with the girls, we agreed to try it. Samantha loves it and Michaela is off and on about it. Oh well whatever keeps the family happy, right?
Michaela: This girl is strong! No more frog leg cuddles for this one (unless she is tired) she can push from any surface under her feet and stretch out completely. She also likes to yell and talk or babble (whichever you choose). Michaela is starting to smile more often but mostly she keeps to the questioning facial expressions. She was a super star eater and now who knows what happened. She'll eat but not like she did last month we are lucky if she takes more than 2 ounces and last month she was easily taking 3+ ounces in 15 to 20 minutes.
Samantha: She feels so tiny but she'll surprise you. When on tummy time she can pick up and turn her head to either side and she is working hard at holding her head when she is upright. Samantha is a little more delicate on her feet, but still not a slacker. She smiles all the time and her eyes are always so bright. Brian said she laughed out loud the first week of October. Last week Samantha had her hips checked because she was delivered breech the results are good and all appears to be fine.
Photos - There are updates to the gallery titled Babies October 2007.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Halloween Candy - Plug for Larry!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
The First Month
Aside from sleep exhaustion all is well in the family. The babies exceeded their birth weight and Brian & I are working to get them big and strong for their next Pediatrician visit. When we initially brought them home we were finger feeding them through a syringe but we are way beyond that now. They nurse and take bottles. It's great because their flexibility allows Brian to takeover when he gets home till about midnight while I try and sleep. We are still feeding them every three hours and it's nice when (almost every time) we wake them to eat (rather than hear them cry for food). On rare occasions they will test our ability and tag team us or either one of them may take forever to eat or burp. If we have a good feeding it will take me no less than an hour and a half assuming I make an effort to express milk for the girls.
Initially it took Brian and I about four days to get some sort of schedule worked out that would work for all of us. Now it's about trying to find time for visitors, sleep and time when I can eat and drink fluids. Not to mention the list of things we need to keep in mind to keep the babies healthy, it's enough to make any parent at least a little neurotic.
Differences: They are not identical, Michaela is larger than Samantha and she has larger facial features. Samantha has smaller eyes and her hair is a lighter color brown. Samantha's eyes are hazel and Michaela's are dark blue. Michaela's upper lip is more defined and her hair is a darker brown.
There is a new group of photos titled Babies September 2007.
Friday, September 7, 2007
WOW - Twins
Check out the dotphoto link to the right for updated photos.
For those who want to know - We started on Sunday rather than Saturday. LABOR was a breeze. We got things moving around 9:30am...a few pushes at the end and done. Labor was the easy part. Recovery on the other hand has been more difficult, especially after being on bedrest for way too long. Either way I feel a whole lot better than I did Sunday night.
Thank you to Dr. Easterling (the best Dr. we could have ever asked for) Nurse JB, Nurse Mary (helped me greatly during the labor process). Great job Mary! Also, thank you to the anesthesiologist (again very grateful) and everyone who helped us through delivery and our antipartum stays.
More special thanks - To our neighborhood (for all the attention, generosity and care during the entire process) to all those who have called, emailed and have sent gifts. Thank you cards are a bit delayed.
That's it for now - gotta get ready for the next feeding. We'll try to keep everything as updated as possible.
Monday, August 27, 2007
The Last Week of Pregnancy

Today we found out that the arrival is no longer a big ????. We will be induced on Saturday, September 1st. That takes us to almost 36 weeks and puts us into September. Now....unless these girls make an executive decision to abandon the plan the Dr. has laid out, we will be parents on Saturday. Brian and I are both really excited to see them and count their fingers and toes to make sure everything is really ok!

The two photos. The first is a photo from the ultrasound yesterday. It's a profile of each girl facing each other. The other photo which is probably a little easier to recognize is the last photo of my belly taken this past Sunday 8/26/07.
That's the update for now - the next update with be the baby arrival announcement. Stay tuned!!!
Friday, August 24, 2007
34 Weeks and 5 Days

This photo is a belly measuring 43 weeks (we are measured as if we were having one). Let's just hope Mark my trainer can bring me back to normal after all this.
As you can see we are not hooked up to any IV's. The babies heartbeats are monitored twice daily and I am self medicating with Terbutaline (helps to slow the contractions). We are due to have an ultrasound on Monday so we'll throw out another update then.
Monday, August 20, 2007
34 Weeks and Counting